OpARA - Archiving and publication of research data (Archiving and publication of research data)
OpARA (Open Access Repository and Archive) is the joint repository for digital research data of the TU Dresden and the TU Bergakademie Freiberg. It offers scientists the possibility to archive and publish their digital research data. Archiving takes place for at least 10 years. The data can also be published and provided with a DOI (digital object identifier) for referencing. Rights of use for the data can be defined via a user-selected licence (e.g. Creative Commons for Open Access). Limited access for a selected group of users or publication only after an embargo period is also possible. In order to find the data again, they are described with metadata.
Scope of services & options
Options: -
Capacity: -
Data protection rating: Normal
Eligible users
Obligations and requirements
Billing and fees
Subject to fees: no
Quality of service
Provisioning time: sofort
Operation time: 24/7
Support time: Mo-Fr 8-19 Uhr
Availability: best effort