OpenLDAP Service (Shared use of central identity management)
Through the connection to the central IDM-LDAP server farm, it is technically possible to obtain all the IDM data stored via LDAP/LDAPS protocol. Predominantly this data has been designed for UNIX-like systems. The server farm can be reached at the URL address ldap:// on TCP port 389 or at ldaps:// on TCP port 636. Access requires an IDM order and approved activation via Informationssicherheit.
Scope of services & options
Options: -
Capacity: -
Data protection rating: Hoch
Eligible users
TUD Struktureinheiten
Obligations and requirements
Billing and fees
Subject to fees: no
Quality of service
Provisioning time: -
Operation time: 24/7/365
Support time: Mo-Fr 8-19 Uhr
Availability: -